Any out of stock items can be ordered and fulfilled within two weeks. Email me at to place your order.
2024 Fiber Art Studio Tour Dates

Saturdays, February 15 and 22, March 1: Knitting and Crochet Class $30
Join me at my studio in Highland to learn the fun technique of praying while you knit or crochet. I’ve developed a unique pattern based on the Catholic Rosary. It uses knit and purl stitches for knitting, shells and sc/dc stitches for crochet. Both include large and small bobbles made with the crochet hook, a fun and pretty way to make bobbles. Each project is different based on your speed of prayer, your guage, and the yarn you use.
Together we will pray most of one Rosary, while learning the technique. You’ll end up with a sample that can become its own finished product, or you can continue the pattern and make a scarf or blanket.
The pattern is free, so the $30 goes towards 2 50g hanks of yarn and our time together. You are welcome to download the free pattern to look at first. Included are links to videos.
The class for the knitted version will start at 10am. The class for the crocheted version will start at 1pm.
Register by emailing me at
There are 2 colors in this project, one main color and one border color. when you email me, please let me know which main color you would like to use. All colors work well, honestly. Then you’ll get to choose either white or brown for the border.
You may pay me through Paypal ahead of time if you like, or you may bring cash or a check when you arrive at class.
The address is 7019 Deer Valley Road. My phone number is 301-821-7232.
In addition, at the March open house, I’ll be leading the Rosary for those who have learned the technique and would like to pray it together.
Crochet and Pray.
Crocheted Rosary Mystery Blanket.
Here is an example of yarns from my store you can use.
Any colors can work!

Dye Garden
I bought plants from Putnum Hill Nursery at the MD Sheep and Wool Festival and they have grown like crazy!! I started harvesting the flowers, little by little as they open up. They go into the freezer until I have enough to dye with. The first big dye was with WOAD. Here is the 20-mins. video of the 5-hour long process.
Latest News
Now in 2025, I’ve updated my website to include: Dates for the Fiber Art Studio Tour, Classes, and Festivals. I’m excited to be in my third year with the Fiber Art Studio Tour or FAST group. These are creative and professional artists and animal caretakers, many owning the animal and milling their own yarn!
I’ll also be teaching a class on the Rosary Blanket. We’ll make just a sample so you can learn the technique and then go on to make a cloth, a scarf, or even your own blanket. In addition this year I’ll teach 3 dye classes at my studio, demonstrate spinning at Yarncentric, and hopefully teach some classes at the Pittsburgh Creative Arts Festival. Check out the Events page for details.
Lastly I will be at both Frederick Festivals this year, and the Alpaca Festival. Hopefully I’ll see you all soon. Keep crafting!
January 1, 2024 The Lenten Knit along Starts February 14! Join me to knit while praying the Rosary, one decade a day… Rosary per week. I’m using 7 different colors plus a border. I love to pray and knit at the same time since it helps me stay focused. I’ve never been big on praying the Rosary since I was raised by loving parents, but neither them or my church embraced that particular tradition. My own church that I attend now (St Francis of Assisi in Fulton MD) has been encouraging this practice. For years I’ve wondered if there was a way to perhaps combine knitting with the Rosary, and one day I got an idea! I’ve dyed 7 natural colors, and am in the process of swatching. I’ve written the general idea for the pattern but it needs to be written out properly. I promise to be ready in time for Ash Wednesday when Lent starts. The pattern is FREE. If you email me I will send you the pattern in time. Meanwhile you can gather materials! See the above for more details.
ColorStorms became part of the Fiber Art Studio Tour this past summer (2022). The link to the map of all the participating studios is:
At each stop there is yarn for sale! Also, at my stop entrance there is a gorgeous Garden Railroad, where we have trains running now and then. At other stops are farm animals. Each stop is unique and features a talented artist there to chat and share their special style of dyeing.
Please join Valerie Moreno (Knitting Fairy Godmother) and I as we read through “Wheesht, Creative Making in Uncertain Times” by Kate Davies. We devote 2 or 3 15-minute chats to each chapter as we reflect on the excelent articles and often do the suggestied activities.
- 5 Year Anniversary!I am about to celebrate ColorStorm’s 5 year anniversary. As part of my celebration I want to hold a competition for help designing a new multi-color! To enter, please send me a picture and name suggestion through email or messaging. My email is; My Instagram account is colorstorms.yarn. Naming a new color is one of …
- Instagram AccountPlease follow me at colorstorms.yarn on Instagram where I now post current pictures of my dye work. This summer has pulled me away from the business quite a bit but I’m picking up the pieces from this past winter and spring with a new trunk show near my home in Highland MD. I’ll be at “So …
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- Seminar at the MD Alpaca GuildIt was nice to be invited back to talk about natural dyes again. This time I focused on blues made with black beans, showing off the lovely fleece I wrote in an earlier post. I also discussed dyeing with black walnuts, since they are all over the ground now! It’s a wonderful time of year …
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- Single Ply Spin Yarn DecisionOnce upon a time in the summer of 2012 a priest in Ohio, named Kathleen, gave my daughter, Rebecca, a silver fleece. Kathleen’s husband had a flock of 80 sheep, so perhaps this was not a great sacrifice, but it was still a lovely gift. With similar kindness, Rebecca shared it with me! Looking at …
- Favorite Scarf EverThat’s the title of this little gem, written by Lisa Bruce, and given to me by a friend at the MD Central Knitting Guild. (They meet on the 3rd Wed. of every month, by the way, at the senior center in Laurel. I’ve been going for 3 years now, and found that it’s a very …
- Summer HonestyIf you follow my business and posts, you notice that I don’t write much. I ENJOY dyeing yarn VERY much, and I LOVE to knit, but I don’t have a deep need to write about it. I’m coming clean, being honest here: I don’t really like to write posts. Since it’s important in this business, I’m trying; and …
- Lace Shawl DonePlease recall from my “Epic Travel and Summer Knitting” post how much I enjoyed working on the pink lace shawl. What lovely yarn and WHAT an incredible pattern by Rebecca Osborn! In the beginning, I worked on it at 5am in the morning before the family awoke, so I could focus on the intricate stitches. …
Click below to go to Osborn Fiber Studio, our partner in yarny adventures.
Click below to go to Timber Creek Farm, a new partner in yarny adventure